Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Countenance Asunder

Awaken demon from thy reveries
Arise to strain against weary soul
Excruciating, devour silken skin
Flawless face ravaged, dissolve in ash
Cruel voices, screams split the night
Wrenching hearts in crow-clawed grips
Suffering primed by thy own hands
Hollow winds bluster with rage
To see what thou art on the inside

Parading beauty, faultless slights
Deceitful lies, now cower in secret
Sickness cannot be contained
Severing hunger around thy neck
Tighten across weak shallow chest
Ice from frozen glades will crack

Breezes stale caress thy face
Waft across with gruesome air
As eyes roll back in thy head
Heart brutal pounding, sickening twist
Withhold no longer neglectful mess
Spewing forth the blackened pulse
Foul from the depths of thy being
In the moments where all hope is lost
Decay, heart collapse so breached
Agony, bereft once again consume
Yes, awaken the beast within

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